ROGER WATERS tar sin kritikerrosade “THIS IS NOT A DRILL TOUR” till Sverige i sommar!

Nu är Roger Waters This Is Not A Drill Farewell Tour igång och premiären i Lissabon i fredags blev en succé! Den 15 april kommer han till Tele2 Arena i Stockholm – säkra din biljett redan nu!







The Telegraph säger “…here tonight was Waters’s best defence in the furore surrounding him:  a generous and often sublime sharing of his best music, and convincing displays of warmth and humanity…” och fortsätter sedan ” …by Us and Them, it was as if the arena had passed into a state of grace, with literally just one or two phones visible as the entire 20,100 listened in the moment, rapt.



The Times säger “…This Is Not A Drill…one of the most eye-catching, imaginative, well executed examples of arena rock you’ll ever see”.

Missa inte konserten lördag den 15 april!


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