I ett banbrytande evenemang kommer finländska metalikonerna SWALLOW THE SUN med Avantgardet BALLET FINLAND att presentera sin samarbetsföreställning, “Plague of Butterflies”, under 70 000 TON METAL 2025. Denna unika föreställning kommer att göra sin världspremiär utanför Finland i januari 2025, ombord på originalet av världens största Heavy Metal Cruise, med två separata presentationer av verket ombord. Efter var och en av de två föreställningarna av “Plague of Butterflies” kommer SWALLOW THE SUN också att spela två olika vanliga set.
“Plague of Butterflies” är en berättelse om ensamhet i en värld som skadats av en pest och dess framförande är en innovativ och hypnotisk blandning av SWALLOW THE SUNs suggestiva melodiska Death/Doom Metal-sound med BALLET FINLANDs samtida dans. Ursprungligen komponerad 2008 var stycket tänkt att koreograferas som en balettproduktion och är nu 16 år senare, äntligen, redo att tas upp på scenen efter många olyckliga motgångar.
Juha Raivio from SWALLOW THE SUN:
“When I wrote the music for “Plague of Butterflies”, I didn’t know that the story of isolation and loss would come true both in personal life, but also later collectively, as the pandemic closed the world from around us. Now we seem to have come full circle as the piece has been brought to life in a form it was always meant to. Thank you BALLET FINLAND.”
Föreställningen kommer att framföras ombord på kryssningsfartyget och skapa en unik och uppslukande upplevelse för deltagarna, blanda levande musik och dynamisk koreografi, i en miljö som aldrig tidigare har varit värd för ett sådant samarbete – en Heavy Metal Cruise.
Efter tre helt utsålda föreställningar i Helsingfors har efterfrågan på ytterligare föreställningar varit stor. Som sådan utlovar framförandet av “Plague of Butterflies”, i den ovanliga miljön av 70000TONS OF METAL 2025 i Karibiska havet, att bli en historisk händelse och ett landmärke som förenar metallens energi med balettens konstnärskap på ett aldrig tidigare skådat sätt.
Juha Raivio’s exclusive video message on the upcoming stunning performance by SWALLOW THE SUN and BALLET FINLAND onboard 70000TONS OF METAL is now on YouTube:
Ytterligare information på engelska nedan!
70000TONS OF METAL 2025 will take place January 30 – February 3, and sail from Miami, Florida to Ocho Rios, Jamaica and back on board the Independence of the Seas. 60 bands, each band performing TWICE – once on the way to Ocho Rios and once on the way back to Miami – so SWALLOW THE SUN featuring BALLET FINLAND can be enjoyed twice!
Bands announced to date include:
(2 special sets playing the “Carnivore Sublime” album and a “Best Of” set)
(celebrating “40 Years Of Doom”)
(2 special sets playing the “Nihility” and “Cancer Culture” albums)
(2 special sets: “In the Nightside Eclipse” and “Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk”)
(2 special sets: one “Dark Set” focused on the darker repertoire and one “Light Set” focused on the “party” side)
(2 special sets: “Doomsday for the Deceiver” and “No Place for Disgrace”)
(2 special “Best Of” Sets as part of their 30th Anniversary Celebration)
(2 special sets playing the “They Will Return” and “Swampsong” albums)
(2 special sets playing “Power From Hell” album celebrating its 40th anniversary and the “The Force” album)
(2 special sets playing the “Ceremony of Opposites” and “Passage” albums)
(2 special sets playing the “Visions” album and a “Best Of” set)
(2 special sets playing the “Nord Nord Ost” album celebrating its 20th anniversary and an exclusive “Party Best Of” set)
(2 special sets performing “Plague of Butterflies” with BALLET FINLAND, followed by 2 different regular sets)
(2 special sets playing the “Nexus Polaris” album and a “Best Of” set)
(2 special sets playing “The Skull” album celebrating its 40th anniversary and a “Best Of” set)
(2 special sets playing the “Dawn of the Dragonstar” album and a “Best Of” set)
31 more bands will be announced.
Book at: 70000tons.com
SWALLOW THE SUN, formed in 2000 in Jyväskylä, Finland, is a pioneering force in the Melodic Death/Doom Metal genre. Known for their unique blend of melancholic melodies and crushing heaviness, the band has become a cornerstone of the Finnish Metal scene. Their music is characterized by its atmospheric depth, blending Melodic Doom/Metal’s slow, melancholic riffs with Death Metal’s intense aggression and intricate arrangements. Over the years, SWALLOW THE SUN has released several critically acclaimed albums, including “The Morning Never Came”, “When a Shadow Is Forced into the Light”, and “Moonflowers”, which have solidified their reputation for crafting emotionally potent and sonically expansive music
The band’s live performances are renowned for their immersive and emotive qualities, often featuring elaborate visuals and a powerful stage presence. SWALLOW THE SUN has toured extensively across Europe, North America, and beyond, sharing the stage with some of the biggest names in Metal and earning a devoted international following. Their collaboration with BALLET FINLAND for “Plague of Butterflies” represents a new artistic direction, pushing the boundaries of their music into the realm of interdisciplinary performance art.
BALLET FINLAND is a contemporary ballet company renowned for its innovative and boundary-defying approach to dance. Established as a leading force in the Finnish dance scene, the company is celebrated for its ability to integrate traditional ballet techniques with modern sensibilities, creating performances that are both visually stunning and intellectually stimulating.
Under the visionary leadership of artistic director Helena Hiltunen, BALLET FINLAND has garnered acclaim for its experimental and eclectic repertoire. The company’s work often incorporates elements from various artistic disciplines, including theater, multimedia, and visual arts, to create immersive and multidimensional performances. This interdisciplinary approach allows BALLET FINLAND to explore complex themes and emotions, pushing the boundaries of conventional ballet and engaging audiences in new and exciting ways.
BALLET FINLAND’s performances are known for their emotional depth and artistic innovation. The company’s repertoire includes a wide range of contemporary works, from abstract pieces to narrative-driven ballets, each showcasing a distinctive blend of movement, music, and visual design. The company is dedicated to fostering new talent and collaborating with both established and emerging choreographers, ensuring a dynamic and evolving artistic vision.
About 70000TONS OF METAL
70000TONS OF METAL is The Original, The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise. With ten consecutive sellouts since the inaugural voyage in 2011, this extraordinary and unique floating festival now sails on board some of the largest luxury passenger vessels in the world. Featuring 60 world-class Heavy Metal bands from around the globe performing across four stages, 70000TONS OF METAL is home to The World’s Biggest Open Air Stage Structure to sail the Open Seas. Guests can enjoy the Heavy Metal festival experience of a lifetime with all the benefits that a cruise has to offer: complimentary fine dining, bars that never close, 24-hour room service, as well as the ship’s many amenities.
All 60 bands on board play twice – and there’s four concert locations on board: A concert hall, the Royal Theater, stands tall with five levels. The Star Lounge offers a more personal and local club-like ambiance. Discover the arena-like vibes at Studio B, the third indoor stage available. Lastly, yet undoubtedly the most remarkable, is the Pool Deck Stage: The World’s Biggest Open Air Stage Structure to Sail the Open Seas. This immense stage is accompanied by bars, pools, and even hot tubs that are integrated into the stage itself, allowing guests to indulge in the unique experience of watching their favorite metal bands while soaking in a hot tub.
This four-day Heavy Metal Music Festival and Caribbean vacation offers 3000 metalheads the amazing opportunity to mingle side-by-side with all of the bands on board. With no VIP areas it truly is like everyone has a backstage pass. Not only do guests have unrestricted festival access to 120+ live performances (all bands play twice), every ticket also includes meet & greets with every band, intimate masterclasses with select musicians and exclusive live & listening premieres. Guests also have full access to the “Jamming in International Waters All Star Jam” – a one-of-a-kind jam session featuring a host of musical virtuosos performing classic metal songs together on stage.
Sailors also have the special opportunity to explore a Caribbean dream destination with their favorite band members on an “Artist Escorted Shore Excursion”, another 70000TONS OF METAL exclusive.
More information here!
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