Mongoliska rocksensationen THE HU, som satt mongolisk musik i framkant med sitt innovativa “hunnu rock”, hyllar Iron Maiden genom att släppa en coverversion av en av bandets mest populära låtar, “The Trooper”. Kolla in videon och läs vad bandmedlemmar mer har att säga nedan.
Founding member, Lead Throat Singer, and Morin Khuur musician GALA excitedly states:
“The Hu is thrilled to be on Iron Maiden’s Future Past Tour in North America. For us, this tour represents an important milestone for the Mongolian music industry and a historical step towards world stage. As a special thank you, and out of huge respect as fans of the band, we covered their legendary song ‘The Trooper’ and are happy to be sharing that with you ahead of this tour!”
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