NY LÅT: Cradle Of Filth – ‘To Live Delicously’. Release av albumet ‘The Screaming Of The Valkyries’ sker i mars!

CRADLE OF FILTH har släppt nya singeln “To Live Deliciously”. Den 21 mars släpper de sitt 14:e studioalbum, The Screaming Of The Valkyries (via Napalm Records).

CRADLE OF FILTH master of ceremonies Dani Filth says about the new track:

“The song is about the celebration of life. Of indulging in everything unfettered from the conformities of religion, fashion or state. Free from guilt or constraint. As nature intended.





It could be read as a hedonistic life code. And a positive one if not done at the expense or the suffering of others.

To delight in simply’ being’. Being alive and free in the here and now.”

Cradle Of Filth – To Live Deliciously:

The Screaming Of The Valkyries track list:
1. To Live Deliciously
2. Demagoguery
3. The Trinity Of Shadows
4. Non Omnis Moriar
5. White Hellebore
6. You Are My Nautilus
7. Malignant Perfection
8. Ex Sanguine Draculae
9. When Misery Was A Stranger

CRADLE OF FILTH:                      
Dani Filth – Vocals
Marek ‘Ashok’ Smerda – Guitars
Martin ‘Marthus’ Skaroupka – Drums
Daniel Firth – Bass
Donny Burbage – Guitars
Zoe Federoff – Vocals, Keys

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